FEMALE WAKE-UP CALL AKADEMIE *** Mit dem Power-Programm zur Leaderin *** HIER KLICKEN


For women in leadership positions

Many female leaders face enormous stress from work, family, and the high demands, requirements and expectations.
You too?


  • Do you have high professional ambitions, but at the same time you feel that you don’t spend enough time with your children because of all the work you have to do?
  • Are you exhausted because you only rush from task to task?
  • Do you doubt yourself and your abilities?
  • Are you in a male-dominated team and feel like an alien?
  • Do you find it difficult to say “NO”?
  • Do you have to function constantly, keep running in your hamster wheel in order to juggle it all?
  • Do you feel lost as a person between all the professional, family and personal expectations?
  • Is there rarely time just for you and take care of yourself?

  • Are you ready for the next professional step?

Some of the clients:

Logos von Unternehmen

Then you’ve come to the right place,

My name is Maren Wölfl and as a coach for female empowerment I support, inspire and encourage women to make further steps.

  • to find your own way to balance family and career,
  • to focus your mindset on success and self-care,
  • to stay mentally fit and healthy,
  • to find your personal leadership style,
  • to recognize your strengths and to use them optimally,
  • to trust your intuition.

These Female Empowerment Coaching sessions will take you to the next level quickly:

Personal and individual:
1:1 Coaching-Package

In 1:1 coaching sessions, we reach your goals quickly and with focus. I respond personally to you, your experiences and needs and I am also available between coaching sessions if needed.

We can start at any time within three weeks. How long and intensive I accompany you depends on your individual situation. The prices vary accordingly.

We are happy to have an exploration call to clarify all details and find out more. 

Female Empowerment coaching with Maren Wölfl
Female Empowerment Coaching for women with Maren Wölfl

 The Female Leadership Programm

It is time to show the world what you are made of!  

A transformative SELF-LEADERSHIP Program to find your inner compass. Be an authentic leader and role model with an inspiring success-mindset – also in turbulent times.

A truly transformative leadership course!

  • Too often you think “I must” instead of “I am” or “I want”
  • You feel torn between expectations of the others
  • You feel this small or big piece of dissatisfaction within yourself and know that you are up to more
  • You feel your own pressure because your performance just has to be PERFECT
  • You want to be a great leader and role-model and want to learn HOW
  • You want a recipe for working on your career AND being a great mom
  • Too often you feel self-doubt and judge yourself for not being enough

The next program starts in fall 2022 – be there! 🙂

femal empowerment

For even faster success:
The Female Wake-up Call Bootcamp

It is time to be YOU – with your vision, values and purpose! 

To create a better working world we need more authentic and inspiring women with an inner compass relying on their superpower.

Be strong from inside out and walk YOUR path – even in turbulent times

A truly transformative Female Leadership BOOTCAMP – to finally show the world what you are made of!

Learn more about next program

femal empowerment
Female Empowerment Coaching 3 with Maren Wölfl

What my clients say

I can totally recommend the course to any working woman with children.

In a time of uncertainty, it gave me confidence in myself and my abilities. I wanted to try something new, to develop myself personally and professionally, and the training helped me a lot.

Many things became clearer to me and I got more control over my work-life balance.

The individual coaching gave me the turbo boost!

Elisabeth D

The program helped me to focus better and analyze my own strengths.

Learning the energy patterns was extremely helpful for leading employees and also in general for dealing effectively with the other person.

Thank you – I would do it again anytime!
Petra J.

In the training and the personal conversations with Maren, I received valuable suggestions to deal with my personal life values, and to become aware of my roles. The most formative sentence that hit the mark with me: “I am also allowed to make it easy for myself” has changed my perspective on some situations/things and often helps me when I am confronted with challenges. Thank you Maren!

Violeta M.

Feedback Female leadership bootcamp
Female leadership feedback 2

Some of the clients:

Logos von Unternehmen