Female Leadership and qualities are needed more than ever!
What is needed to be a true and authentic leader!
During the great MOMS WHO LEAD summit in September my dear colleague Eve Simon and me talked about Female Leadership and: WHAT IS NECESSARY FOR A CHANGE IN COMPANIES to have
Leaders with visions, values, purpose who are aware of their barriers on our way – just true leadership for women, moms and leaders.
In this chaotic, quick and fast-moving world it is especially important to have an inner compass that guides you – with your most important values, your purpose and the vision you have to create a better (working) world for all of us and future generations. Important feedback for female leadership and everybody being out there in the arena?
Female Leadership Transformation
Why is it important to start with yourself to become a female leader?
“I work 30 hours, lead a small team of 8 people and have two children aged 4 and 6. My company is again in a re-organization phase which is very demanding and challenging for me as a leader. Lots of stuff is at last minute and I feel like I am only reacting to external requirements that are constantly changing.
Every day I pick up my kids from Kindergarten and school around 5pm and then I am at home playing with the kids, cooking dinner and try to organize our household as good as I can.
I always have a bad conscience of not being able to fulfill all requirements and in addition I have a high level of expectations
for myself which does not make it easier. Time for myself, going out with friends – no clue when I will have time for this again … “
These kind of conversations I am having every now and then and it reflects the lives of many women, moms and leaders.
The good message therefore: lots of women are sitting in the same boat and feel the same. You are not alone with your challenges.
The (kind of) “bad” ;-). message: It lies within your circle of influence to change your current situation.
You are THE ONE who is able to make a change.
In the video about Female Leadership Transformation we are talking about 4 important topics:
+ Your Purpose that drives you
+ Your Values to guide you
+ Your Visions to know where you are heading to
+ Your Barriers to be aware what lies in your way
Lots of our own learnings, tools and know-how is packed into this video – just have a look yourself!
Ready for Female Leadership?
If you want to learn how be a great leader standing in the arena with confidence, clarity and focus – let me know and book a free exploration call! I am looking forward to hearing from you.