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Appearing confident: How do I assert myself in a male-dominated team?

In a working world that is often dominated by men, women face the challenge of asserting themselves and making their voice heard. Appearing self-confident plays a decisive role here. It’s not just about being heard, but also about gaining respect and recognition for your own contributions and skills.

In this article, we look at the question of how women can act confidently in male-dominated teams. Here are practical tips and strategies to help you strengthen your position and communicate successfully.

woman stands in front of blackboard and shows how to appear self-confident

Sope confidently: The importance of self-confidence in male-dominated teams

In male-dominated working environments, it is often a particular challenge for women to make themselves heard and assert their point of view. Presenting yourself confidently is the key to success, as this enables you to present your own ideas and opinions clearly and convincingly.

A confident appearance not only boosts your own self-confidence, but also influences how colleagues and superiors perceive you. A self-confident attitude can contribute to being perceived as competent, credible and respected. It is not about compromising your own values, but about positioning yourself effectively and authentically in the professional world.

A tip for you:

Another Female Leadership Program will take place soon:

May 13 online from 9-12 a.m.
May 15 in Vienna from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
May 17 online from 9-12 a.m.


An inspiring program to find your own inner compass and your personal superpower. For authentic managers who are role models with trust and empathy – especially in turbulent times.


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The best tips that make it easy to appear confident

Confidence is a key skill, especially in male-dominated teams, and you can strengthen it with the following tips:

Clear communication

Work on your articulation and choose your words carefully. Avoid filler words and uncertain expressions. Train yourself to get to the heart of your arguments without rambling on at length. Use statements instead of questions to express your opinions and avoid apologizing unnecessarily.

Using body language consciously

Practice a posture that radiates self-confidence. Make sure your posture is upright, maintain eye contact and use gestures that emphasize your statements and self-confidence.

Avoid closed postures, such as folded arms, which could signal insecurity.

Preparation is essential

Prepare intensively for meetings and presentations. Know your materials by heart, understand the underlying topics and be prepared to answer critical questions competently. The more confident you feel in your field, the more confident you will be.

Seeking and accepting feedback

Encourage colleagues and superiors to give you honest feedback. See feedback as an opportunity to improve and not as a criticism of yourself.

Learn to accept constructive criticism without taking it personally and use it to improve your skills and confidence.

Recognizing and celebrating successes

Make it a habit to document and reflect on your successes. This can be done through a success diary or regular self-reflection. By recognizing and celebrating your achievements, you build a positive self-image and strengthen your self-confidence.

Appearing confident: Dealing with challenges and resistance

In male-dominated teams, women can encounter various challenges and resistance. Here are some detailed strategies to deal with it:

Remain steadfast

If you encounter resistance, it is important to stand firm. Avoid changing your mind just to avoid conflict. Train yourself to remain calm and objective in heated discussions and to present your arguments clearly and convincingly.

Constructive conflict resolution

If conflicts arise, try to resolve them constructively. Listen actively to understand the other party’s point of view. Use “I” messages to express your perspective and look for solutions that are acceptable to both sides.

Practicing self-assertion

Develop assertiveness skills that enable you to make your needs and opinions clear without appearing aggressive or passive. This can be learned and practiced through role plays, communication training or by reading relevant literature.

Seeking support

It is important to build up a network of supporters. This can include colleagues, superiors or industry contacts. In difficult times, the support of others who have experienced similar challenges can be invaluable.

women sit in front of computers and show how to act confidently

Change of perspective

View challenges as learning opportunities. Every difficult situation is an opportunity to hone your skills and boost your self-confidence. After each challenge, reflect on what you have learned and how you can position yourself even better in the future.

Appear self-confident: Building a supportive network

A supportive network is essential to assert yourself in a male-dominated team. Here are some detailed ways in which you can build and use such a network:

Industry events and network meetings

Use industry events, conferences and professional meetups to make contacts. Prepare business cards and have a brief presentation of your professional role and goals ready. Be open to conversations and follow up after events with interesting contacts, for example through LinkedIn requests or emails.

Mentoring and coaching

Look specifically for mentors or coaches who have experience in your field. These can be both men and women who have been in similar situations. A good mentoring relationship can not only give you valuable advice, but also open doors to new opportunities.

Online networks

Use platforms such as LinkedIn to network with professionals. Create a meaningful profile, actively participate in relevant group discussions and share subject-related content to showcase your expertise and increase your visibility.

Internal networks within the company

Get involved in internal networks, working groups or committees in your company. These can help you make contacts with key people, expand your skills and increase your visibility within the organization and confidence.

Support groups and associations

Join specific associations or groups that focus on the advancement of women in business. Many of these groups offer regular meetings, workshops and conferences that not only provide useful information, but also networking opportunities.

Appear self-confident: Conclusion

In summary, it is crucial for women in male-dominated teams to develop self-confidence and build a strong support network. The challenges can be great, but with the right strategies and the support of a solid network, you can successfully overcome them and strengthen your position.

I encourage you to put the strategies presented in this article into practice. Start by improving your communication skills, work on your body language and build a supportive network. Remember that every step you take brings you closer to your professional goals and strengthens your presence in your working environment and makes it easier to appear confident.

If you need further support or would like to talk to other women who have had similar experiences, don’t hesitate to join our network. Together we can be stronger and achieve our career goals.


If you want to further your education and strengthen your skills as a leader, you should take a look at my offer with many exciting topics on female empowerment, leadership and success mindset.

Some AI-generated content was used and revised for this article.

Author | Maren Wölfl

Hi, I’m Maren! As an expert for women, mothers and leaders, I support ambitious women in their leadership, professional development and success mindset.