Secure your free place in the webinar now!
Who is the webinar for?
- You have great professional ambitions. You want to go far and work hard for it, often too much!
- At the same time, you want to be a good mom for your children and spend as much time with them as possible.
- You juggle work, family and housekeeping – but keeping all the balls in the air is becoming increasingly difficult for you.
- Perhaps you are also dissatisfied professionally or have the feeling that you are always fulfilling the expectations of others instead of your own.
- You doubt yourself and your abilities
- Or you are starting to loose yourself? Because you are no longer living, but only functioning?

If you recognise yourself here, NOW is exactly the right time to…
… trust your abilities and talents – and thus yourself. Away from self-doubt and criticism of yourself but towards your own inner compass that guides you. So that you give space to your own desires and needs and these climb to the top of your list of priorities.
… learn how to be kind to yourself – like to a good friend!
… how to get “EVERYTHING” under one hat, under one hat that you like and that you like to wear.
… how you can be a role model for your children and your team – because you want to, not because you are expected to do so.
So be excited about PURE female empowerment!!!
⏰ All of that you will find out in the webinar:
👉 10 tips for your personal female power
👉 Tools and tools for less self-doubt and more quiet conscience
👉 My own learning over the past 15 years – both professionally and privately
👉 A mindset focused on success, self-care and trust
👉 Female leadership – how you can be a role model for your children and your team
Hi, I am Maren
Your expert for female empowerment
I have been accompanying and supporting successful women in management positions for many years. I myself worked for many years in international consumer goods companies and have been a business coach for women for more than 15 years.
My job is very important to me AND I have three children aged 10, 13 and 14 – I know what it means not only to combine children and career, but also to want to manage it well. As a result, I have gained a lot of experience in recent years and try to manage the daily chaos – mostly I succeed reasonably well. But the goal is not to be perfect, but to be satisfied with your own life!
I would like to share this wealth of experience with you – I’m looking forward to meeting you!

PS: Here you can find more about MAREN and her journey?